Accepted - Vamze
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Accepted - Vamze
Personal Information
Your name in real life : Gusztav
Age : 27 in a month
Country and hometown : Hungary, Debrecen
Occupation (job, student, ...) : project manager, also a student in weekend college
PC technical info (connection, graphic card, processor) : Connection is stable 20/10, Intel Core2 Quad 2.4 GHz, graphics card: I really don't know, nor do I care for the moment, I have 30 fps while raiding on maximum settings.
Do you have vent / mic / TeamSpeak? : Yes/Yes (you'll regret this later)/No
Character Information
Character's name / class : Vamze - shaman
Talent-build / specc : Elemental
Dual spec (if any) : I change this rather frequently, it's pve resto for the moment, but I'm collecting enhancement gear just to try it, and also using elemental pvp and resto pvp sometimes.
Willing to respecc if needed (yes/no?) : My main spec is elemental and I want that to remain as it is. I can do tweaks for certain encounters if needed, but frankly, I have yet to find a talent that will make or break the encounter regarding the spec. As for my offspec, yes.
Playtime on this char (type /played ingame) : ~11 days
Have you leveled this character up yourself from the start? : Yes.
Other toons? (class/level) : Level 80s: priest, paladin, DK, druid. Level 70-79: rogue, warrior, warlock. None are on this realm atm though.
Professions and skill level and reason for choosing them : I picked mining (450) in order to level engineering (448). I picked engineering for pvp reasons. It turned out to be good in pve also, 340 haste for 12 seconds on a 1 minute CD feels godly compared to a flat ~48 spelldmg from other professions' perks. Also it's an on-demand ability so I have the option of getting the best out of it. Also considering getting rocket boots for utility.
Link to your character's armory : - I know I'm only hit capped with a boomkin or SP in the raid, still working on the base 13%.
Why do you apply to Elunes Elite? : 2 raids a week with the promise of decent progress while having a girlfriend, a job, and weekend school? What else could a man ask for?
What do you expect from Elunes Elite? : I think my previous answer covers this question as well.
Why should Elunes Elite take you aboard? What will you bring to the guild? : DEE-PEE-ESS!!1one. On a serious note, having played for the last 5-6 years, I have a strong knowledge of most game mechanics and class abilities. In vanilla times I could provide a couple of strategies which led to a kill finally, and even though nowadays it's not really needed cause one can find wow-related stuff and strategies even on, I might come in handy.
What is your goal in WoW? : I've got 2 short-term goals, one is seeing the Arthas dead, the other is doing competitive arena. I hope we can help each other with both. As for long-term goals, I have none at the moment. Have to see for myself what the guild and Cataclysm has to offer. If both are promising then I'd like to stick around on the long run.
Any friends in Elunes Elite? : Not that I know of.
Every played/raided with members from Elunes Elite? : Not that I know of.
Previous Guild experiences
What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave / get kicked / ....? : Well I've never been kicked before, reasons for leaving were lack of interest in wow from my part (during BWL farming times, Blizzard took his sweet time with AQ patch and I got burnt out); moving - thus not having internet for a month or two; switching from 6 nights a week to 3 nights a week. These guilds were on other realms, and I want to keep this short, so I'll just list them and if any rings a bell just ask ahead: Poison Thorns, Nightmares Asylum (the European brother of the famous one), Public Enemy, iO Gaming, If in doubt AFK out.
What is your current guild? : N/A
Do you have any pending applications with other guilds? : No.
What kind of raider would you consider yourself to be? (hardcore, casual, ...) : Elitist I hate being one but I can't help it. Since the game requires little to no skill, I expect everyone, be it a Korean or a 75 year old grandma, to do the basics while raiding, not necessarily on the 1st-5th attempt, but still...
When are you available for raids? (Give exact days and hours please) : Theoretically I'm available every day from 5 PM. But we all know shit happens and RL =/= wow so...
Do you have any raid experience, and if so in which instances? : Again, trying to be informative in order to keep this short, I'll just list the current ones and those that I'm proud of: Onyxia, Chromaggus, Nefarian realm firsts, Glory of the Ulduar Raider 31/08/2009, Tribute to Insanity (10) 29/11/2009, OS+3D (25) 08/03/2009. In the current content I downed 6 bosses, along with a 7% wipe on Putricide and a 0/0/50% on Blood Princes.
As a trial/raider you are expected to make use of epic gems in your gear and have the best enchants in game. We also ask a full preparation for raids, especially for progress raids. What do you bring to the raid? : I think you want to hear flask and food here, but let me give you the non-conventional answer: I'll repair my gear and buy reagents before raid also.
What is the rotation you use in a raid to fulfill your role as best as you can? : I don't have a rotation, wall of text inc. Fortunately, we aren't fighting target dummies in the middle of Ironforge, but bosses with special abilities in a living and changing environment. If I knew the min-maxed elemental shaman rotation, probably I'd be the one turreting from the fires and void zones. "Just this one last Lava Burst then I'll move... Don't worry I've got ankh!" I have a great interrupt with a 6s cooldown, which is off the global CD I know, but I'm not afraid to cancel my hasted, "heroism'd", wtfbbqpwn trinket procced lava burst if need be. I have purges, hope it doesn't require further explanation. I'm not afraid to do heals and drop grounding totems if I see scary numbers on my Grid health bars. I can pre-earthbind for aoe slowing effect, and I can drop the earthbind to "earthgrab" thanks to an elemental talent, probably both involve moving, messing up my so-called rotation. Thunderstorm has hundreds of uses. I don't have a rotation, nor do I plan looking up one on ElitistJerks. I, for one, am giving a thought to the lightning bolt being cast after the previous one before clicking it (jk, mashing the button), and I'm not following a stupid rotation set in stone to be the king of (target) dummies.
That's all for now, thanks for filling in the template. Feel free to add a comment here, if you think you have more information to share with us :
My opinion about GearScore:
Dilah (the other applicant posting at the same time) and I are a couple IRL, but that doesn't mean we come in a package. Only accept both of us if you like both our applications. Rejecting either of us won't cause any drama between us.
Replies and decisions to your apply will be made as soon as possible. Good luck and have fun in WoW!
Your name in real life : Gusztav
Age : 27 in a month
Country and hometown : Hungary, Debrecen
Occupation (job, student, ...) : project manager, also a student in weekend college
PC technical info (connection, graphic card, processor) : Connection is stable 20/10, Intel Core2 Quad 2.4 GHz, graphics card: I really don't know, nor do I care for the moment, I have 30 fps while raiding on maximum settings.
Do you have vent / mic / TeamSpeak? : Yes/Yes (you'll regret this later)/No
Character Information
Character's name / class : Vamze - shaman
Talent-build / specc : Elemental
Dual spec (if any) : I change this rather frequently, it's pve resto for the moment, but I'm collecting enhancement gear just to try it, and also using elemental pvp and resto pvp sometimes.
Willing to respecc if needed (yes/no?) : My main spec is elemental and I want that to remain as it is. I can do tweaks for certain encounters if needed, but frankly, I have yet to find a talent that will make or break the encounter regarding the spec. As for my offspec, yes.
Playtime on this char (type /played ingame) : ~11 days
Have you leveled this character up yourself from the start? : Yes.
Other toons? (class/level) : Level 80s: priest, paladin, DK, druid. Level 70-79: rogue, warrior, warlock. None are on this realm atm though.
Professions and skill level and reason for choosing them : I picked mining (450) in order to level engineering (448). I picked engineering for pvp reasons. It turned out to be good in pve also, 340 haste for 12 seconds on a 1 minute CD feels godly compared to a flat ~48 spelldmg from other professions' perks. Also it's an on-demand ability so I have the option of getting the best out of it. Also considering getting rocket boots for utility.
Link to your character's armory : - I know I'm only hit capped with a boomkin or SP in the raid, still working on the base 13%.
Why do you apply to Elunes Elite? : 2 raids a week with the promise of decent progress while having a girlfriend, a job, and weekend school? What else could a man ask for?
What do you expect from Elunes Elite? : I think my previous answer covers this question as well.
Why should Elunes Elite take you aboard? What will you bring to the guild? : DEE-PEE-ESS!!1one. On a serious note, having played for the last 5-6 years, I have a strong knowledge of most game mechanics and class abilities. In vanilla times I could provide a couple of strategies which led to a kill finally, and even though nowadays it's not really needed cause one can find wow-related stuff and strategies even on, I might come in handy.
What is your goal in WoW? : I've got 2 short-term goals, one is seeing the Arthas dead, the other is doing competitive arena. I hope we can help each other with both. As for long-term goals, I have none at the moment. Have to see for myself what the guild and Cataclysm has to offer. If both are promising then I'd like to stick around on the long run.
Any friends in Elunes Elite? : Not that I know of.
Every played/raided with members from Elunes Elite? : Not that I know of.
Previous Guild experiences
What were your previous guilds? Why did you leave / get kicked / ....? : Well I've never been kicked before, reasons for leaving were lack of interest in wow from my part (during BWL farming times, Blizzard took his sweet time with AQ patch and I got burnt out); moving - thus not having internet for a month or two; switching from 6 nights a week to 3 nights a week. These guilds were on other realms, and I want to keep this short, so I'll just list them and if any rings a bell just ask ahead: Poison Thorns, Nightmares Asylum (the European brother of the famous one), Public Enemy, iO Gaming, If in doubt AFK out.
What is your current guild? : N/A
Do you have any pending applications with other guilds? : No.
What kind of raider would you consider yourself to be? (hardcore, casual, ...) : Elitist I hate being one but I can't help it. Since the game requires little to no skill, I expect everyone, be it a Korean or a 75 year old grandma, to do the basics while raiding, not necessarily on the 1st-5th attempt, but still...
When are you available for raids? (Give exact days and hours please) : Theoretically I'm available every day from 5 PM. But we all know shit happens and RL =/= wow so...
Do you have any raid experience, and if so in which instances? : Again, trying to be informative in order to keep this short, I'll just list the current ones and those that I'm proud of: Onyxia, Chromaggus, Nefarian realm firsts, Glory of the Ulduar Raider 31/08/2009, Tribute to Insanity (10) 29/11/2009, OS+3D (25) 08/03/2009. In the current content I downed 6 bosses, along with a 7% wipe on Putricide and a 0/0/50% on Blood Princes.
As a trial/raider you are expected to make use of epic gems in your gear and have the best enchants in game. We also ask a full preparation for raids, especially for progress raids. What do you bring to the raid? : I think you want to hear flask and food here, but let me give you the non-conventional answer: I'll repair my gear and buy reagents before raid also.
What is the rotation you use in a raid to fulfill your role as best as you can? : I don't have a rotation, wall of text inc. Fortunately, we aren't fighting target dummies in the middle of Ironforge, but bosses with special abilities in a living and changing environment. If I knew the min-maxed elemental shaman rotation, probably I'd be the one turreting from the fires and void zones. "Just this one last Lava Burst then I'll move... Don't worry I've got ankh!" I have a great interrupt with a 6s cooldown, which is off the global CD I know, but I'm not afraid to cancel my hasted, "heroism'd", wtfbbqpwn trinket procced lava burst if need be. I have purges, hope it doesn't require further explanation. I'm not afraid to do heals and drop grounding totems if I see scary numbers on my Grid health bars. I can pre-earthbind for aoe slowing effect, and I can drop the earthbind to "earthgrab" thanks to an elemental talent, probably both involve moving, messing up my so-called rotation. Thunderstorm has hundreds of uses. I don't have a rotation, nor do I plan looking up one on ElitistJerks. I, for one, am giving a thought to the lightning bolt being cast after the previous one before clicking it (jk, mashing the button), and I'm not following a stupid rotation set in stone to be the king of (target) dummies.
That's all for now, thanks for filling in the template. Feel free to add a comment here, if you think you have more information to share with us :
My opinion about GearScore:
Dilah (the other applicant posting at the same time) and I are a couple IRL, but that doesn't mean we come in a package. Only accept both of us if you like both our applications. Rejecting either of us won't cause any drama between us.
Replies and decisions to your apply will be made as soon as possible. Good luck and have fun in WoW!
Vamze- Officer
- Posts : 55
Join date : 2010-05-17
Age : 41
Location : Debrecen, Hungary
Re: Accepted - Vamze
and a 0/0/50% on Blood Princes.
Nvm me, obviously that was my first time on them and in the heat of the battle before the wipe I checked how good we were and I saw 1 of them with 50% health but not the others, so I thought they don't share a health pool
Vamze- Officer
- Posts : 55
Join date : 2010-05-17
Age : 41
Location : Debrecen, Hungary
Re: Accepted - Vamze
Hello sir.
Your application is clearly seriously.
We clearly want the same goal as a guild to kill the kill lich king. And getting competetive arena is a good way to improove skills, that allso can improove pve progress.
But even if we promish decent progress, it could still be slowed down at the beginning, since peep could lie about their application. In other words the guild is new, and for that reason its easier at the beginning to get liers we need to replace, who just dint promish what they told in their application. But with patient come progress.
So gl on application. It will be discussed with the other officers . Thx
Your application is clearly seriously.
We clearly want the same goal as a guild to kill the kill lich king. And getting competetive arena is a good way to improove skills, that allso can improove pve progress.
But even if we promish decent progress, it could still be slowed down at the beginning, since peep could lie about their application. In other words the guild is new, and for that reason its easier at the beginning to get liers we need to replace, who just dint promish what they told in their application. But with patient come progress.
So gl on application. It will be discussed with the other officers . Thx
Cordelía- Admin
- Posts : 171
Join date : 2010-04-24
Age : 38
Location : Denmark
Re: Accepted - Vamze
Hi there Gusztav!
"Teamspeak? : Yes (you'll regret this later)" I lold.
Anyway, awesome application, as Cordelia already stated. I also want to repeat what Cordelia said : we are an ambitious guild, but a guild depends on the members. Since we are new, some new faces will prove their worth, others will not live up to expectations. This will be sorted as natural selection takes place but could indeed influence the progress at start until we have the 2 raid groups (and the 1 25man we will organise every week) fixed and stable. I do think you are aware of that, when I see "not necessarily on the 1st-5th attempt" in the explanation.
In short : if you can live with those side effects, you are now officially accepted
Hope to hear some feedback soon or a whisp ingame!
Grtz Amy
"Teamspeak? : Yes (you'll regret this later)" I lold.
Anyway, awesome application, as Cordelia already stated. I also want to repeat what Cordelia said : we are an ambitious guild, but a guild depends on the members. Since we are new, some new faces will prove their worth, others will not live up to expectations. This will be sorted as natural selection takes place but could indeed influence the progress at start until we have the 2 raid groups (and the 1 25man we will organise every week) fixed and stable. I do think you are aware of that, when I see "not necessarily on the 1st-5th attempt" in the explanation.
In short : if you can live with those side effects, you are now officially accepted
Hope to hear some feedback soon or a whisp ingame!
Grtz Amy
Amyrlin- Admin
- Posts : 253
Join date : 2010-04-19
Re: Accepted - Vamze
I think because my character name =/= my username on forums, you didn't know who to give access to. so I humbly ask for one for the user verbanan so I have something to do @ work
Vamze- Officer
- Posts : 55
Join date : 2010-05-17
Age : 41
Location : Debrecen, Hungary
Re: Accepted - Vamze
oh yea. I was kinda thinking what your forum name was . Is it possible for you to change your name to Vamze on the forums aswell? Since it has already confused me once.
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